Crazy Blonde Life

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I recently sat down for a chat with Ashley Westcott, owner, designer and creative mind behind LUSH Jewelry.  It all began when Ashley was working in the reinsurance business and started making jewelry as a hobby.  She took some of her creations to a Bunco game one night and all of her friends wanted to place orders.  It wasn't long before Ashley had quit her reinsurance job and started making jewelry full time.  What started as a hobby 12 years ago has now become a full time job for her.  After Ashley realized that her hobby had turned into a business she decided that her goal was to get bigger every year.  By owning her own business, she has had the flexibility to be at home with her children and still nurture her creativity.  She stops working every day at 2:30 to pick her children up from school which is a priority for her.  Ashley's jewelry is now in 20 stores and the business is growing every week! 2016 should be a very exciting year for LUSH!  You can find her jewelry in North Carolina at Scout and Molly Franchises, Mary Katherine's in Burlington and Simply Meg's in Greensboro.  She has no plans at this point to open her own store but to grow by being in boutiques across the country.

Ashley designs her jewelry mainly by designing what she personally likes, but takes trends into consideration.  Her favorites right now are the pendant and horn necklaces.  I must admit that I bought several of those!

Ashley's creative space is a room in her beautiful home, filled with one of a kind stones and her latest collection.

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A display of beautiful necklaces including the Pendant and Horn!


The choices are endless and are the perfect accessory to make any outfit fabulous!


I love all of these necklaces! They are a great length for blouses and v-neck sweaters. It would be so nice to be able to choose from one of these every morning!


Turquoise with a twist...Timeless!


Ashley Westcott's success with LUSH Jewelry is proof that following your heart can lead to the sweetest success!