Crazy Blonde Life

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If you've never had homemade lemon curd, you are in for a treat.  Store bought lemon curd, even the better brands doesn't even compare to homemade.  This creamy lemon curd is tangy and sweet.  Use it as a dip for strawberries or spread it on toast or pound cake, the possibilities are endless.  It is probably best eaten with a spoon!  The recipe below is easy to make, just make sure to take it slowly when cooking because it will curdle easily if it gets too hot.

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Lemon curd served with strawberries at a recent baby shower that I gave.  It was the most popular thing on the table!


Remove the zest from the lemons and place in food processor.


Add sugar and pulse until zest is finely minced.




Cream the butter in an electric mixer and beat in the sugar and lemon juice.


Cook over low heat until thickened.


The finished lemon curd, ready to serve!


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Here are some other ideas for using lemon curd!

top ice cream

top pancakes

stir into Greek Yogurt and serve with granola and fruit

Fill crepes

Spoon on top of softened cream cheese and serve with your favorite crackers

Make these Lemon Ricotta Pancakes

I hope you will try this delicious Lemon Curd recipe!

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This recipe was adapted from The Barefoot Contessa Parties cookbook.  It's one of my favorites!