Crazy Blonde Life

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Yoga is about self expression.  It is about finding your own rhythm, your own path.  Yoga allows you to be curious about who you are and at peace with all of the unexpected discoveries.








My poses aren't perfect, but they are mine and what I brought to the mat on the day these photographs were made.  Yoga has been a very important part of my life for the past 3 years.  I know that what I practice on my mat should translate to what I practice in my life.  I go back to that when things are hard and when they're not.  Hold the pose and just be - it's the same in life, sometimes we just have to stand in our pain and feel what is happening.  It's so much better to do that than to pretend that things are good when they're not.  Too many times, we want to pretend, or medicate to forget what is going on.  There is no growth without pain!  Embrace life with all of it's pain and ecstasy!  Live in the moment - be on your mat and be in your life!

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Yoga teaches us that we are all one and we should honor ourselves and our neighbors because we all possess light, love, truth and beauty!

These pictures were taken at Om Shanti Yoga Studio in Burlington, North Carolina where I practice and teach.

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