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9 Reasons To Eat More Seafood!

I have always loved seafood of any kind and since it's National Seafood Month I thought I would share nine reasons why you should eat more seafood!  Eating seafood is one of the best ways to boost your health.  Maybe you should consider having fish for dinner!


Try this recipe for Grilled Swordfish with Smoked Paprika and Herbed fruit Salsa from Foodie Crush

Eating Seafood Helps With Weight Loss.  Regularly eating seafood can help in maintaining a healthy weight.  It is very low in calories and it packs a huge nutritional punch.  One six ounce tuna steak contains around 185 calories and 41 grams of protein compared with a six ounce sirloin steak that contains 342 calories and 35 grams of protein.  The tuna steak is clearly the winner here!  Studies have also shown that because white fish has such a high protein content and influences the hormone serotonin that is in part responsible for helping us recognize hunger signals.


Check out my recipe for Grilled Salmon Salad with Potatoes and Asparagus

Seafood is Heart Healthy.  Seafood is a major source of Omega-3 fatty acids which are important nutrients for supporting heart health.  Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the Omega-3's that are most utilized by the body.  They are found especially in fatty fish like salmon, tuna and trout.  The body does not produce these omega-3 fatty acids on its own so it's important to get these nutrients from food.  The best sources are cold water fatty fish or high quality omega 3 supplements.  Two servings of fish per week are recommended for heart healthy benefits.


Here is a great recipe for Cajun Shrimp Guacamole from Bev Cooks

Seafood is Good For Your Eyes.  The DHA's and EPA's (omega 3 acids) in fatty fish play an important role in eye health.  The highest concentration of  DHA is found in the retina of the eye.  DHA concentrations in the retina allow you to see varying lighting conditions.  Omega-3's can also protect our eyes as they age.  Studies have shown that people who have a high intake of omega-3s in their diet may have better eyesight.

Seafood Can Boost IQ.  According to the FDA, and EPA, seafood consumption is very important for pregnant or nursing women and mothers with young children.  Eating fish regularly can help with the growth and development of the brain and can help boost IQ.  Two to three servings a week can gain 2.6 IQ points according to FDA research.  Pregnant and nursing women should avoid fish that have high mercury content.


Try this recipe for Scallops, Farro and Micro Greens with Lemon Basil Sauce from Taste with The Eyes

Seafood is Protein Rich.  Adequate amounts of protein are essential for keeping metabolism high, blood sugar levels stable and energy high.  Seafood is a complete protein source that contains all of the essential amino acids that help build and repair tissues and it easier to digest than red meat.  A three ounce serving of cooked fish or shellfish provides one third of the recommended daily amount of protein.

Seafood Helps With Depression.  Studies suggest that people who eat more fish are less likely to suffer from depression.  Many kinds of seafood are high in vitamin B-12 which helps protect against dementia and depression.

Seafood Boosts Immunity.  Fatty fish is a good source of vitamin D which is essential for bone health and helps protect against the common cold.  Wild caught seafood is the best source for vitamin D.  Farm raised salmon has only 25 percent of the vitamin D of wild caught.  This is probably because farm raised salmon has a lack of vitamin D in their food.

Sustainable Seafood The Best Seafood to Eat.  The worlds fish population is dangerously depleted, and choosing to eat sustainable seafood can help.  90% of all seafood in this country is imported.  The country of origin label is on all seafood sold in the united states.  To learn more about sustainable seafood, go to the Monterey Bay Seafood Watch website.

Seafood Can Be Inexpensive.  Alternatives such as canned salmon, sardines and tuna are less expensive than fresh fish and have a long shelf life.  These alternatives are great for a protein filled snack or meal.
