Crazy Blonde Life

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Holiday Plaid For A Casual Christmas

I'll have to admit that I love to wear holiday plaid when it's Christmas time and I usually really like to wear it with a pair of high heel booties.  Unfortunately, I won't be doing much of that for the next couple of weeks because yesterday I sprained my ankle!  I was holding Hudson while he slept, my foot fell asleep and when I stood up I just fell.  He barely noticed and went right on sleeping!  Thank goodness I bought these great red boots and the heel is fairly low because I'm going to be wearing them everywhere!  Anyway, the colors in this holiday plaid shirt from Target go perfectly with the boots and the furry vest added just the fun touch that this outfit needed.  

This year, we decided to put a garland on the gazebo and I love how it looks!  I'm not going to be ready to take down the decorations this year because they look so pretty!

Outfit details:  Target holiday plaid blouse, Rag and Bone booties, Seven for All Mankind Jeans and Philanthropy vest (similar here).

Be sure and check your inbox in the next few days because I'm going to be sending out a schedule of some fun cooking classes for 2017 and a surprise event!  The first cooking class is an evening class and is all about being healthy in the new year so be sure to sign up early!

Sarah and I are off for one last day of Christmas shopping and lunch today!  I'm sure I'll be wearing these booties and limping around the shops but you do what you have to!  I hope everyone has a fabulous Tuesday and thanks for reading!