Crazy Blonde Life

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How to Have Your Ideal Day!

Earrings by Lush Jewelry

The past few years (4 to be exact) have been very tumultuous for me to say the least. I seem to have finally come to a better place after much praying, crying, desperation, self doubt, and a great deal of embarrassment and fear. All the while I was going through these emotions, and in spite of the fear, I still knew that I would be in a different place eventually and that my life would change. for the better. Life has a way of running you if you don’t figure out how to be in charge. I know with great certainty that I never want to go back to living the way I have been for the past several years. It’s time for me to step up and truly create the life I want. That is going to take action, Inspired action, but I will be unable to see the Inspiration if I don’t get a few things out of the way. My to-do list seems to consist of the same things over and over again! I keep saying that I need a day to just catch up…well, today is that day!

Right now, I could write about my ideal day in my journal (and I’ve done it many times). In my mind, I know exactly how it would go, the vision is there, but how often do I really make that happen, even though I am in complete control!

All any of us have is time. Every single day that’s what we have and what we choose to do with it is up to us. I’m going to admit that I get a lot done in a day. But…I’m a huge procrastinator about some things and those things that I’m putting off are weighing me down.

I know what I want, and I’m still not doing the things I need to do to get to that place. I’m starting today questioning every single thing and re-evaluating it’s importance. I know it seems that I’m doing a lot…and I am, but some days, as we all do, I spend way too much time on social media, way too much time just being busy but not getting anything done. That all stops today. I’m going to stop putting things off, stop complaining and start taking charge and doing the things that are right in front of me that need to be done. I still believe it’s crucial to let go of the “how” when it comes to making dreams come true, because the Universe will take care of “the how”, but obviously, getting up, making my bed, paying my bills (paperwork ugg), doing the laundry, (visiting my mother) just the stuff of life, needs to be done. It feels so much better when that stack of mail is dealt with, when the clothes are all washed and put away, etc. The biggest advantage of not procrastinating is that it clears the clutter in my mind and makes room for that divine inspiration to fill my head.

So, right now, I’m getting up, clearing the clutter, literally and figuratively and getting started on making making (more of) my dreams come true! I’m going to have more of those ideal days I’ve written about in my journal!

As we all know and I’ve talked about so many times on Crazy Blonde Life, midlife is a time of great change, and it can be the best time if we decide to make it the best time! Anything is possible!

Leave me a comment if this post resonates with you and tell me what your idea day looks like and what you’re doing to make it happen.!