Crazy Blonde Life

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Kindness Can Be Contagious - A Valentine's Day Challenge!

A really interesting chain of events happened yesterday!  After I published my blog post I got a most beautiful comment on Facebook from Michelle Fimon, that quite literally made me not just cry but do "the ugly cry".  I was so touched by this message and it made me happy to know that something I had said in a blog post touched another so deeply.  In the meantime, Michelle Montoro who writes one of my very favorite blogs Shelbee On The Edge, also commented.  She said that she was inspired and wanted to send some Valentine's love to a few women who could use some uplifting!  After a little back and forth, we decided that a challenge was in order! 

Do you know women, or know of women who are feeling a little alone or down?  Is there some small gesture that you could give to spread love on Valentine's Day.  With all of the commercialization and the pressure for the "perfect Valentine's Day", it seems that the message of love has gotten lost!  The Michelle's and I want to challenge you to spread a little love and do something small or something grand for 3 women, who could use some love on February 14.  It could be as simple as an anonymous card or a gift certificate for a manicure, or as elaborate as you would like!  The sky is the limit!  Please spread this post around to your friends and let's make this challenge huge!  Let's take this opportunity to make a difference on Valentine's Day because sometimes we begin to love ourselves when we see that we are valued by others!

I'm a very visual person, and I thought these images might inspire your creative side and help you to come up with ideas about how to spread love on Valentine's Day!

Just a word about Shelbee On The Edge!  This is a blog that you will love!  Michelle's voice is sincere, informative and at times hysterically funny!  There have been times when I've been sitting at my computer, literally laughing so hard that I had tears running down my face!  If you're looking for a blog that has the voice of honesty and great fun...Shelbee On The Edge is for you!  You can follow Michelle on Instagram here!

Leave a comment in the comment box and give us your ideas for some ways to spread love to those who need it on Valentine's Day and visit Michelle's post as well for more ideas on meeting the Valentine's Day Challenge!