Crazy Blonde Life

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Overcoming Doubt and Overwhelm

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.  He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.

Finish every day and be done with it.  You have done what you could.  Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt crept in.  Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely, with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense.

This new day is too dear, with it's hopes and invitations to waste a moment on the yesterdays."

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have had that quote written on a scrap piece of paper on my desk for many years.  It's coffee stained and wrinkled but still so relevant.  For the past week or so, I have allowed the past to creep into my thoughts and make everything wonky.  So today, I'm giving myself a little pep talk and I hope it serves you as well, because I know that this is all part of being human and surely I'm not alone!

I've had some bloggers block lately and I think it's because I'm feeling overwhelmed.  I've been spinning my wheels, doing some things that didn't really serve my ultimate goal, even though at the time, I didn't see it.  I've felt exhausted and doubtful and it doesn't feel good.  I know that things are moving along on some level, but when the doubt starts creeping affects everything I do.

I'm here to say (to myself and to you) that it's okay to sometimes feel overwhelmed or like giving up.  Everyone does at some point, it's what you do with it and how long you allow it to continue that matters.  The first step to coming out of doubt and overwhelm is to be aware of it.  It really is perfectly acceptable to have a little meltdown sometimes.  No one ever said that you have to always be strong.  You have nothing to prove to anyone but you.  Other peoples opinions of you are none of your business.

Sometimes, growth hides behind chaos.  It doesn't always feel good and it isn't always easy.  Discomfort often comes just when you need it...try to embrace it and put your energy into moving forward.  When you step out of your comfort zone, you begin to grow.  I believe that the overwhelm comes for a reason and as long as you are aware of it, you can make a change for the better.  It's when you live your life in a state of numbness and become out of touch with your feelings that you get stuck.  Stop worrying so much because it doesn't help and it keeps you from being present on this day and in this moment.  When you worry, you bring whatever you're worrying about into your life.  (Read more about the Law of Attraction here and here)  It's like you're inviting things into your life that you don't want.  Every day, ask yourself what is really important and create your day around the answer.  I didn't blog yesterday.  Instead I took some time to do a few things that inspired my creativity.  I won't say that when I got up I felt that much better, but I was more aware that something needed to be done to get me out of this funk.  I'm finding more often than not, that writing about my feelings helps!  As you know from this post, I also have quite a collection of books and it is so inspiring to take a few minutes and be inspired by the beautiful images.  I always get new ideas for blogging and photography!

How you feel matters and what you have to say is important.  You don't need anyone's approval!  You are responsible for being authentically who you are and living your own truth.  The conflict is always in your mind if you allow it, but remember that you have the power to control your thoughts.  You can choose to dwell in a positive space today and you can choose to honor your feelings and emotions.  Celebrate who you are and make self-love a priority.

Today, was originally going to be a busy day with photography and creating content for Crazy Blonde Life.  My photographer had to cancel, leaving me with a day to work on my vision board, clean out my closet and take care of myself.  Things often work out for the best if you're paying attention!

Remember..."this new day is too dear, with it's hopes and invitations to waste a moment on the yesterdays".

The top that I'm wearing in the first picture is from the Spring 2018 Anna Cate Collection.  The photography is by Sara-Anne Photography.