Crazy Blonde Life

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Coming Back To The Light

Fear is the only thing that keeps us from being happy in our lives.  Fear causes our minds to run wildly out of control, keeping us stuck in the past or worrying about the future.  There are times, when the circumstances of life hit hard and we are thrown into the unknown.  That's when fear can take over if we let it and inevitably, we all have those days, weeks and sometimes even months.  We feel lost and tired.  Every morning, we get up and start the same old way living the same old day.  How do we come back to the light?  How do we overcome the obstacles?  The truth is that the obstacles give us the opportunity to stop, turn around, and move in the right direction.  

Dark times are meant to teach.  The contrast between darkness and light is very valuable when we are able to recognize that what is holding us back from "coming back" is fear.  Fear and worry are nothing more than a prayer for something we don't want.  Life changes constantly and the only thing we can control is our minds.

Showing yourself love, respect and attention allows you to hear the guiding voice that lives in you.  A Course in Miracles says that "in my defenselessness, my safety lies".  Becoming defenseless means allowing the Universe to take over.  The more committed to loving yourself you are, the less fear matters.  Miracles happen when you accept that you are enough.  Relying on someone else for happiness and self worth will never make you happy.  Waiting for someone to keep you company or take away your loneliness will only keep you stuck right where you are.  If you can't love and respect yourself, no one else will be able to do it either. 

What does self love look like?  It seems that we have to figure that out over and over again as we navigate the ups and downs of life.  For three solid days, I sat at Bald Head Island feeling very lonely and also feeling very sorry for myself.  I stayed on my computer and social media way too much, thinking that if I worked enough, or got ahead of the game, it would make me feel better.  It did not make me feel better and I did not get ahead of anything, instead, I came home and brought my lonely and sad self right with me. 

You know the saying..."wherever you go, there you are".  

Yesterday, a good friend talked a little sense into me.  What I realized and what is true for everyone, is that we absolutely have to take care of ourselves.  I got up this morning with a different mindset.  I decided to stop expecting someone else to give me the love, attention and respect that I should be giving to myself.  I took a little time to drink some coffee, meditate and practice 15 minutes of yoga.  I got my mind quiet and my body moving before I jumped into my day.  It all about perception.

It all begins and ends in your mind.  What you give power to, has power over you, if you allow it.

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Life is meant to be lived joyfully and is filled with great opportunities, but you must be open to receiving them. 

When you are constantly living in fear, you cut off any possibility of living life's goodness.  

I know that the dark times will set in again, and I will temporarily go back to that place of fear and closing myself off to joy, but I also know that I will be able to come back to the light.  Today, I'm not waiting around on someone else to take care of me, because that's my responsibility.  I found, in my solitude that I was frightened because of uncertainty about the future, and no matter how hard I tried to avoid those feelings, they kept coming back.  Looking back on my time alone at Bald Head, I realize that I was allowing my mind to exhaust me.  

The only moment that belongs to us is one that is happening right now.

I've had enough of that prison that I was allowing myself to live in.  I'm coming back into the light today and regaining control of my thoughts and therefore my life.  I can see the beauty in the difficulties that I've had and the lessons learned.  Today, I'm putting the care of me on my "to-do" list!  There are great opportunities waiting for me and I want to get out of my own way and allow the miracles.

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Choose yourself today, because it's the greatest gift you can give to everyone!

 Thanks so much for reading today!