Crazy Blonde Life

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Absolutely Anything is Possible

Even in our deepest struggles, love, faith and beauty find a way. ~ Brené Brown

I’m sure I’ve mentioned that took a trip to Birmingham Alabama a few weeks ago to do a photo shoot with Victoria Magazine along with my friend Lisa Richey. Lisa is the founder and owner of a manners company called Manners to Go. She has manners programs for schools and teaches corporate manners.

Lisa and I will be featured in Victoria Magazine in January and we are so excited although, I can’t really reveal any more than that! This trip really was an experience of a lifetime and I fell in love with Birmingham!

Five years ago, if you had told me that I would be getting on a plane to fly to a photo shoot for a magazine, I never would have believed you! I created this opportunity for myself and I’m celebrating that! I emailed the magazine last April and had almost forgotten about it when they got in touch with me and said they were interested!

Absolutely anything is possible if you believe in yourself and take inspired action to make it happen! Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you can’t do something…you can create anything you want in your life! Believe in love, have faith and you will find a way! The quote below from Alice In Wonderland says it all…

"Alice laughed: "There's no use trying," she said; "one can't believe impossible things." "I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." ~ Alice In Wonderland

The dress I’m wearing here by Self Portrait is the one I wore for the photo shoot! I styled it a bit differently for the magazine because of the release date of the issue but I’ll let that be a surprise as well.

I’ve never worn Self Portrait before and I’ve fallen in love with the brand. The dresses are so feminine and the detail on each piece is impeccable! I feel so beautiful and feminine wearing this dress. It definitely makes a statement and would be perfect for a garden party or afternoon tea (which seems to be gaining popularity again). Self Portrait also deisgns exquisite little girls clothing!

Lisa and I are planning an afternoon tea video to share very soon. She has such a knowledge of manners and I’m really learning so much from her! We’ll be sharing everything you need to know to host your own tea party, complete with table settings and recipes! I have so many plans for the next few months and can’t wait to share!

“Would you tell me please which way I ought to go from here? That depends a good deal on where you want to get.” ~ Alice and the Cheshire Cat from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Why not create your own wonderland?

Just a note about the macarons pictured here! When my daughter Rebecca got married, we sent each guest home with macrons made locally by Liz Ward at Moonlit Macarons! Liz is so talented and her macrons are beautiful and delicious. If you’re local (or even if you’re not), be sure to follow her on Instagram and message her if you are have a macaron craving! I have that craving often and I also love supporting women entrepreneurs!