Crazy Blonde Life

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Infuse Your Life

God is speaking to me very loudly lately! As a result, my life has seemed a little upside down…that’s not a bad thing. I’ve been so busy because I’m taking courses on spirituality, delving into new ideas about life by reading books and studying. I know I’m being called for something more. This blog and my social media have allowed me to build an audience and now, it’s time for me to seriously get busy.

About a year ago, this calling started to get very loud…you see, my life had changed so much for the better over the past 5 years. I have been through so many struggles that brought me to where I am today. I am being called to share what I learned and am learning because it’s important that women in midlife know that it’s only the beginning. Everything I went through was training for what I’m supposed to be doing right now. But, I only know that because I started my Journey. My journey has been a sacred walk that taught me so much and it hasn’t been easy…but as I always say, it’s a never ending journey and there is more to learn..

What I know is that life is supposed to be good. We are all placed here for a reason and figuring out that reason isn’t always a walk in the park!

This is all about stopping and regrouping…it’s about a midlife edit. You can’t erase the past, but you can make some edits in your life. You can change the course of where you’re going right now and live a life filled with passion and purpose. You can infuse your life with self love and care, you can infuse your life with service to others, you can infuse your life with excitement and fun and be evidence that it can be done!

What are your passions…they are not random, they are there to guide you toward your best life. When you follow your passions, they infuse your life with joy and that is a form of self love. Digging deep into yourself and figuring out what brings you joy, what activities you loose yourself in is an important clue to your purpose. I know some of you may be saying…”I don’t know what I love…I don’t know what brings me joy or what I’m passionate about.” I think that’s normal because most of us have spent the greater part of our lives taking care of others because that’s what we were taught we were supposed to do. We’ve been caught up in the idea that taking care of our selves was selfish. It is not selfish…it is essential. Loving ourselves is the start of the journey. That’s how I got to where I am today…I realized that step by step, every single day I had to spend some time on me. I had to get to know myself and figure out my special talents and gifts. Who knew I was a good writer, but I discovered my love and passion for writing and sharing myself. When I decided I mattered enough to keep digging, learning and DREAMING, my life slowly started to change. I stopped living in the past and slowly changed my thought process from “my life is so hard”, to “I’m going to make my life amazing”…and guess what…I have an amazing life. I live in gratitude and desire for more at the same time.

A natural progression comes when you begin to love yourself…you have more to give to others. It becomes easy because, as I wrote about in my last post…you are giving from a cup that’s full of love and satisfaction and passion and yes, desire. Your very presence can inspire others. Your children may look at you like you’re crazy in the beginning, but then they’ll wonder what secret sauce you’re drinking. They’ll see that you are infusing everything you do with your special essence…your beautiful self will begin to shine.

All of this is so exciting because now, you’ll want to go out into the world, you’ll want to live the next phase of your life, the past stops mattering…it’s gone and will never change, so you might as well be the one to change. Realizing you have a choice is exciting, dreaming is exciting, planning is exciting. You now can really practice gratitude because you know how much you have to be grateful for. Gratitude takes what you have and makes it enough and only then will you realize that you can desire so much more.

You’ll know you’re in the excitement phase of your journey when you wake up most days, ready to take on the world…ready to create, curious to see what amazing things life has in store for you.

In this moment, my business is changing, because God isn’t having it any other way. I am being so strongly pulled to teach the things that I’ve learned and every time I try to go back to the familiar, to the old way of blogging and being on social media, The Universe puts an obstacle in my way and takes me in another direction.

I have asked for guidance over and over again and I can’t ignore it when it’s knocking on my door…daily.

I still let the fears of what others will think pop in every now and then, but there will always be someone out there to judge what I’m doing so I might as well do it anyway. I’m on my Journey of Becoming and I know that the Universe, God, the Angels and my guides are helping me every step of the way when I tap in and listen. This morning, during my meditation, the download was so strong and so vivid that I’m all in. I’ve written this entire post in about 10 minutes because it’s just flowing out of me. I want my life to make a difference in someone else’s life.

I’ve written a new course and it’s called…Infusion!

Infusion is a Midlife Edit that will infuse your life with love, passion, joy, peace, beauty and curiosity. Life is about more than journaling and sitting in meditation. Life should be beautiful, you should be able to surround yourself with what you find to be beautiful, dress in a way that makes you feel beautiful, eat food that nourishes your body and move in a way that makes you feel good. You should have beautiful, fulfilling relationships that feed your soul. A beautiful life is a life connected to the Source that sustains and guides you. You go first and the Universe responds.

When you change, everything around you changes and responds to who you are becoming which is really remembering who you have always been.

Let’s face it…we’re not getting any younger and I do feel a sense of urgency (a peaceful sense of urgency) to follow my dreams. Time will pass anyway, why not start your Journey now!

I’m excited to share this new course with you…It came to me this morning and I had to write it all down as it was coming. INFUSED starts in late October. There is much more to come so please leave a comment if you have any questions. I’ll be going live on Instagram tonight at 5:30 pm to talk more about it! I hope you can join me!