Crazy Blonde Life

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The Best Green Smoothie - Get Ready for the Holidays

Better late than never…Here is the promised recipe for the green smoothie that I’ve been making. With the holidays being right around the corner, it’s a great time to reset and get healthy before the rich food fest begins. I always look forward to the favorite dishes that we eat over the holidays, but a little balance is a good thing.

This smoothie is really delicious and has just enough sweetness. You’ll feel like you did yourself a huge favor every time you make this.

I’m listing the ingredients below but feel free to add anything else that sounds good! A spoonful of almond butter would be amazing and everything you add makes it more nutritious. I added a supplement that I’ve been using from Goop. It’s called Gut Microbiome Superpowder and it supports a healthy gut, reduces occasional bloating (which is a thing around the holidays), and promotes healthy and normal bowel function. This is a supplement that I’ve added to my daily regimen.

Easy 5 Ingredient Smoothie

1-1/2 cups of nutmilk of choice

2 cups spinach or kale

1 sliced frozen banana

1 cup of pineapple chunks

1/2 ripe avocado

Drizzle of honey (optional)

Blend all ingredients in a high power mixer and enjoy!

Baldy and I are headed to Charleston on Sunday and I’m beyond excited. We’re celebrating 30 years of marriage! I can’t wait to share our trip with you all but in the meantime, be sure to watch my Instagram stories while we’re there…

Also be sure to check out the Holiday Shop on the blog! I’m adding categories and items almost daily and there are some really great gift ideas at all price points!