Crazy Blonde Life

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Why I Want to Be a Life Coach and Mentor

It's never too late to start to become more of who you are at your essence and remember that you are and always were whole and beautiful!

Something is unfolding in my life and I am surrendering in trust…

As I was going through the Coach and Mentor programs in which I have been participating, in order to learn about being a coach and mentor, I became extremely committed to embodying the spiritual principles that I have learned and continue to learn. My commitment is real and all consuming, however, there have been days when I woke up feeling extremely aligned and in the flow of things and then by the afternoon, I allowed fear, doubt and worry creep in. I have felt out of balance despite my commitment! Each morning, I recommit and ask for guidance…

Allowing yourself to trust, even when things don’t feel right is where the magic happens. When we have unsettling feelings and get out of balance, it’s because we need to learn something or grow in some way.

Here’s how the magic is unfolding…

On the last day of my Mentor program, it was announced that there would be 3 more modules, one each month and, with each new module, we would have an assignment. The first assignment is this…

“Ask yourself, what are some things that are important to me, that I may have put on the back burner because I don’t think they fit in my life? What do I wish I had time for but don’t believe I do? What would it look like to choose one of these things and lead yourself through it like a mentor? How do you mentor yourself through the difficult things? How could you highlight these things as something you are mentoring yourself through? Dive deep into this. What is the thing you are prioritizing.

This hit home for me in an inexplicable way! My mind started asking what would my thing be and immediately I thought of two things. The first was that I really need to complete the organization of our large home that we’ve lived in for 16 years. It feeds my soul and I function differently when everything is in it’s proper place, however, so much space is being taken up with “stuff” that belongs to our daughters…things that they don’t have room for as well as things that I’m holding on to for some reason. Between our youngest daughter being home, a wedding and numerous other things, instead of getting more organized, I’ve become less organized. Leading myself through the serious sifting and sorting and donating so that I can bring order to our home and my life is going to be my priority this month.

The second thing is more ethereal, but because of being under a lot of stress and out of balance, some of my weird and neurotic eating habits have come back and I have been extremely focused on body image and not in a good life flow with how I feel about myself. I am a recovering anorexic/bulemic and it’s past time to heal this issue that I allow to creep back in all too often! I understand that it’s how my ego tries to protect me from stress…by going back to the familiar (and very ineffective) ways I’ve dealt with stress in the past.

I will tell you that the Universe immediately took control once I asked for guidance! My new mantra is going to be…”you just never know”!

I was led to a podcast by Tara Marino called Elegant Femme. In the podcast, Tara describes three parts of our personality that need to be in balance in order for life to flow with ease and grace. She calls them the Indie, the Frenchie and the New Yorker. The Indie is our spiritual side, the Frenchie is the part of us that loves pleasure, self care and beauty and the New Yorker is the part of us that gets things done.

In my Journey of Becoming program, I wrote a module about discovering that I had a hard time accepting compliments, gifts, pleasure, help etc. This comes from a part of me that is still holding on to feelings of unworthiness and being undeserving (can you relate to this?). What I’ve realized is this…in my life, my Frenchie has not been getting much attention because I’m so busy trying to prove my worthiness through spiritual study and action. When I have practiced self care, it’s been more because I was trying to do what I was “supposed to” more than because I wanted to really enjoy and take care of me.

I absolutely love beauty (that’s tied into my need for organization), I love to read fiction, I love to cook and prepare beautiful food, I love a bath and for everything to smell nice. Recently, this part of me has been somewhat ignored and I’m not taking very good care of my Frenchie, in turn causing me to feel badly about my body and eat in odd sporadic ways (again my ego) and then, I feel guilty.

Organization and getting myself back into balance are the things I’m committed to this month and the Universe clearly has my back!

I talked above about embodying the spiritual principles that I’m teaching and my prayer has been to be able to do this as I begin to coach others. My prayer has been answered through the idea of balancing my life with spiritual study, pleasure and self care and energetically aligned action.

My morning routine has changed and I now include something that I enjoy or specific self care. I may read a magazine, a chapter of a book, dry brush before my shower or sit down to eat breakfast (instead of swallowing something as I run out the door). My goal is to live in a soul led way and be as present as possible…aware of my thoughts, feelings and actions. I am committed to my continued growth and to getting up 15 minutes earlier to make it happen!

Anytime you become aware of something in your life that seems off - ask for guidance. You never know where the guidance will come from, but when you stay present and listen to your intuition, you will be led to the answers.

This is self love and loving yourself allows you to love everyone in your life in a better way.

Life will never always be easy and you will always have your perceived flaws, but when you have the belief that life is happening for you, not to you, you will know that you can handle what comes your way, even with your flaws.

I’ve struggled with feelings of insecurity around the idea of becoming a coach and mentor. I know that I have a story to share and a strong desire to help women better their lives and become more of who they are at their essence…to find an inner peace and trust…to live and create and be joyful!.

I've come to realize that what I've done in my life...bringing myself back from an extremely dark and painful place and coming to a place of happiness and peace is significant...something that a lot of people don't do on their own. I didn't hire anyone to help me…I’m not sure I realized in the beginning that I was helping myself. I just started searching with my heart and soul out of a desire to stop the pain. Once I began my search and became fascinated with these spiritual principles that were so new to me, I was led to mentors that resonated with me and I learned from them through books, videos and podcasts. As I learned to listen to my intuition, I led myself (by unknowingly listening to whisperings of the Universe) to what I needed and as a result I learned and I grew so much as a person and began to create a vision of how I wanted to live! I didn't hire anyone to help me until a little over a year ago!

I wouldn't call what I did a process (there were no real steps involved, it was more intuitive as one thing led to another) as much as it was getting hungry for life...for joy...for bliss...and for the possibilities of what my life could be!

When you begin to understand that life can be and is supposed to be happy, you become more curious and want to learn and create! Curiosity will lead you to the most amazing things in life!

I deeply desire to support and assist women in midlife to start to explore different ways of thinking and being. To leave the past behind and move forward to create a vision of a life in alignment with their soul's desire!

I want women to get curious about what is possible because this is what helped me so much. I want to encourage women to be self other words, to take what they've learned about the spiritual principles that saved me and intuitively lead themselves along a never ending path of growth.

This path is a path to freedom from past events and traumas, from repetitive thought patterns and self doubt.

It's never too late to start to become more of who you are at your essence and remember that you are and always were whole and beautiful!

I will continue to encourage you to stay hungry for more…to learn, share and be curious, but most of all to Trust because life is always happening for you…not to you!

I hope this serves you in some way today and that you feel inspired to take a step forward on your Journey of Becoming! If you are interested in learning more, email me at!