Blepharoplasty - Eye Lift Surgery...My Experience

Three weeks ago, Monday, I had blepharoplasty, or eye lift surgery.  I knew going in that I was going to share this on Crazy Blonde Life, so today, I'm really putting myself out there!  I want to be clear that I'm not writing this post because I want to have a discussion about plastic surgery.  Clearly it's something that I embrace because I did it!  I'll say this as nicely as possible because I don't want to have to deal with negative comments...your opinion is none of my business.  This post is for anyone who might be considering the surgery and is curious about what it might entail.  Having said that, here we go!

I have been noticing for quite some time that the bags under my eyes were getting baggier!  I have my picture taken nearly every day for this blog and it had started to really bother me.  When we were in New York in early December, I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror and absolutely didn't like what I saw.  I decided then that I was going to have this procedure done.  I don't feel old and I don't want to look older than I am.  I want to look the best that I can.

This is the best way to explain the cause of puffy eyes - puffy eyes are that aren't related to fatigue or allergies are caused by eyelid fat prolapse, or orbital fat.  The eye sits in a space called the orbit and this space has fat in compartments.  To improve the appearance of bags under the eyes, the fat can be removed repositioned and sculpted.

The first two of the pictures below are before pictures and I'm wearing no makeup.  I think the light was just better in the second.  The third picture was taken yesterday and obviously I was wearing some makeup.  All of the photos are completely unedited!

Eye Surgery
Eye Surgery

These pictures were taken immediately after surgery.  I was awake for the whole thing and the worse part was being numbed.  The needle was unpleasant to say the least.  The incision on my eyelid didn't relate to the surgery.  I had a scar that I wanted to have removed and figured I might as well do everything at once.  The little dots are needle pricks from Botox.  I'm holding nothing back here! (For more about my Botox experience, click here)

Eye Surgery

This picture was taken the following week.  I had stitches below my lash line and they dissolved.  I think  considering what I went through, the bruising was minimal.  I kept ice packs on my eyes pretty much constantly for the first two days and then off and on for the next week.  I did go out after the second day with sunglasses on.  I had absolutely no pain after the surgery, but I took one pain pill the first night just so I could sleep.

Eye Surgery
Eye Surgery

I used a whole box of Trish McEvoy Triangle of Light Eye Pads.  They felt soothing and I think they helped with the bruising and swelling.  I also took arnica before and after the surgery to minimize the bruising.  I was able to cover the bruising somewhat with Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage Concealer followed by Laura Mercier Secret Brightening Powder and actually went out to lunch less than a week out.

Eye Surgery

Most of the pictures are selfies taken with my phone, so the quality isn't great, but I tried to document the progress.  I am very pleased with the surgery and have just a tiny bit of a bruise left at three weeks out.  I think I look more rested and even though it was unpleasant, I would do it again...and might in 10 years or so!

Eye Surgery

I hope this post has been informative.  If you're interested in reading more, this article is very good.  Once again, if you don't agree with plastic surgery, I totally respect your opinion, but please don't leave a comment about it!  I'm saying that again because I had a really negative comment on the post I did about Julie Miles, the jewelry designer, that I deleted.  There is no place for negativity on this blog!  It's all about inspiring, uplifting, informing and FUN!

I hope you all have a great day!  Thanks so much for reading!


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