Add More Goddess to Your Life...

Something I’ve talked about many times before is the importance of having a mentor that really resonates with you! My mentor for this whole year is Melanie Ann Layer…I’m in a year long program with her and I’m learning so much every single day! Keep reading to find about my ah-ha moment this morning!

This morning, I was listening to Melanie and she was talking about breaking bad habits and change…her advice was to “add more Goddess”.

We all have a Goddess…our inner wisdom or intuition.

Our Goddess knows what’s best for us and will guide us if we listen, but many times we don’t. We let habitual thought patterns run the show instead of tapping into our Wisdom.

Adding more Goddess into your day simply means more self care…take a moment to sit with a cup of tea, to journal or meditate for just 3 minutes when you’re feeling stressed.

Create a tiny corner for yourself that isn’t cluttered with the stuff of life and go there for a minute or two and breathe.

Drink an extra glass of water or make a salad for lunch.

Live with great intention and awareness as often as possible.

When I heard Melanie talk about this…something inside me clicked…it was a true OMG ah-ha moment for me!

The answer isn’t to take away or deprive yourself. The answer is to add.

More self-love

More self-care

5 minutes here, 5 minutes there

The answer is to add the better choice…

There is so much wisdom to bring into your life…

Start small, find a mentor, take one step at a time and you’ll slowly begin to see your life change.

Sometimes, like for me this morning, it only takes one little sentence to make a profound impact.

Once you implement one small change, you’ll be in a different place in your head and in your heart. You’ll want to listen to your inner Goddess as often as possible.

If this post resonates with you, there is a whole module in my 30-day Journey of Becoming program about listening to your Goddess and exactly what that means. Where does the wisdom come from, how to begin to access it, how to quiet your mind and…this is just the beginning. Journey of Becoming begins on April 1st - you can learn more and sign up here. Living the life you’ve always dreamed of begins with taking just one small step, surrounding yourself with supportive women and continuing to gain wisdom every day through meditation, journaling and embracing stillness. I would love for you to join us on our Journey of Becoming…it’s such a beautiful program and an investment in you!

Haha I almost forgot to talk about my outfit! As you know…I truly love the Veronica Beard brand. Their clothes are classic with a twist, wearable, well made and beautiful. My sleeveless trench is paired with a pair of very reasonably priced jeans from Pistola, my blouse is Loft from last season, my fabulous platform sandals are also Veronica Beard, my necklace is French Kande (love it so much) and the bag…is a gift from Baldy from Louis Vuitton! I’m loving the 70’s vibe of this outfit and I would wear it almost anywhere!

Thanks so much for reading and have a great day!


What Do You Desire to Indulge In?


What Are You Bringing Into Your Life...