Are You "The One" For You

I am the one…I go first and the Universe responds. I am the one who is responsible for creating my life!

I recently took a masterclass and we had an assignment to write why we were the one. Let me explain…

Like I said above…you are the one, I am the one, we are all the ones who are responsible for our lives and our happiness. We go first and the Universe responds…the Universe responds to the frequency and vibration that we put out into the world. Our frequencies are then mirrored back to us. What do you want to have come back to you.

It is a hard thing to look in the mirror and say and know that you are the one. It seems like such a big responsibility but it’s also such a gift to know that we can choose.

I’m sharing what I wrote below and encourage you to also write why you are “The One”…

I am the one who began to create something out of nothing.

I am the one who in the middle of heartbreak started a blog and took care of myself in the best way I knew.

I am the one who has made a commitment to doing the work that needs to be done to heal myself and grow into the best version of me.

I am the one who was powerful enough to stay in a troubled marriage and believe in the possibility of love and healing.

I am the one who kept my family together.

I am the one who is willing to admit past mistakes and also the one who is willing to grow and change and be the evidence that it’s possible to grow and change.

I am the one who is willing to share my story with others, empowering them to do the same.

I am the one who is creating a ripple effect.

I am the one who gets up every day open to the beauty and love that life has to offer.

I am the one who has made it my mission to continue to evolve and grow by first healing my relationship with myself.

I am the one who believes in love over everything.

I am the one who is proving that is’s never too late to start.

i am the one who is learning boundaries where I once didn’t have boundaries.

I am the one who is finally beginning to love her body after so many years hating it.

I am the one who can show compassion to the wounded little girl within who has needed and wanted to heal for so many years.

I am the one who was willing to take the first step on my journey of becoming the person I was put here to be.

I am the one who will never stop searching and growing. I will continue to look for mentors and I will continue to be a mentor.

I am the one who believes in me.

I am the one who is really beginning to understand what it takes to continue to create a life I love and a life I’m proud of.

I am the one who embraces the new and continually lets go of what is no longer serving me.

I am the one who will be there for my grandsons and family and love them as hard and as best as I possibly can!

I am the one who sees the importance of sharing because it’s only together that we can rise!

I hope you’ll do this exercise…it’s so powerful! If you feel comfortable sharing, leave your “I am the One” in the comments..


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