Life Without Limits

Coming full circle from a life that seemed so constricted and small to knowing that life can be limitless has been a journey for me that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

More than simply understanding…I know in my soul that the most important thing any of us could ever do is to love ourselves. This is what creates a life without limits. When you love yourself, you have figured out how to plug into the power of God that is there all of the time…just waiting. The Universe responds to us….always. Your life can turn around in a single instant (although you may not realize that’s what happening until later) when you begin to make choices based on love and not on fear.

The antithesis of fear is trust and that trust comes from a deep feeling of worthiness and a knowing that everyone has a purpose. When you love yourself, know you have a purpose on this earth and then figure out what that purpose is by following your passions, you radiate a light into the world that can be seen by the very people who need light in their lives.

Why would you ever think that the things you’re passionate about are random? They are not random..

Looking back, my journey of blogging started with a wish to be creative and share things I love. In the beginning, I didn’t write much…I mostly shared pictures with some commentary and occasionally researched something and shared in that way.

It wasn’t until my life visibly started to fall apart that I began writing long blog posts. I had no idea I could write, but people kept telling me that I was a good writer. Looking back, I know without a doubt that I was led to blogging so that I could write and eventually share my story. I also have realized that over the years as I’ve gotten braver speaking on social media that I actually like to do videos and speak. Communication…expressing myself through written and spoken words is not at all what I thought I would be doing…ever. So what happened?

I figured out how to plug into the power of the Universe. I began to love myself just enough to raise my vibration and connect just enough to be guided to start a blog. Your passions, interests, intuition and nudges are all crumbs from God to lead you down your path.

The more you love yourself, the more you realize your importance and worth, the more connected you will be to God and the easier your path will be, simply because you’re listening. We never stay connected all the time…old habits are hard to break and life has many triggers that take us out from time to time, but…it’s not about that rabbit hole you go down, it’s about how quickly you bring yourself back. Hard things will happen. You will lose people you love, relationships will end, you’ll have a flat tire on the highway…

This is where the trust comes in. Instead of free falling into fear, you’ll understand after a bit of a detour, that life is always happening for you and not to you. You’ll know to stop, take the time to feel what you’re feeling, meditate, pray, journal and take care of yourself. You will somehow know how to plug back in and get on with your life when the time comes. There is wisdom to be gained from every challenging situation but that is only part of the gift…the other part is sharing your story so that others don’t feel so alone. This will give you a freedom that you never could have imagined feeling when you were in the middle of living the hard stuff.

You are always being divinely guided and supported along your journey.

We all want to live life without limits…meaning, we all want to fulfill our dreams, live happily, pursue our passions and feel at peace. I’ve learned that the first step is to know your worth and love yourself…because the Universe will never give you more than you feel you’re worthy of receiving.

I’m planning a deeper dive into how to take the first steps to begin to love yourself and what that truly looks like. This will come in the form of a live video…most likely on Instagram. I’ll announce the time here, on Instagram and on Facebook soon. I hope you’ll join me and also share with anyone who may need to hear!

I also want to sincerely thank everyone who read this series of blog posts and those who left comments. I haven’t answered them all yet, but I will get to every one. No one’s life is exactly what it appears to be from the outside looking in and every time I share a little more of my story, I realize this even more.

It only takes a spark…an instant, a feeling, to begin to change your life. It is my desire that these blog posts are a catalyst for growth for anyone who reads them!

Thank you for reading!


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