Now's The Time

We’re all finding out right now that you just never know what tomorrow will bring. The truth is…tomorrow never comes because it’s always today! What will you do with your today? This is your life so don’t waste it worrying about tomorrow!

I’ve heard it called the arrival fallacy. It’s always thinking that things will be easier tomorrow, things will be better tomorrow, I’ll be happier tomorrow, this will be over soon (tomorrow), or things will be better when I get this new car or this new house, or, or, or… Try to catch yourself when your realize that you’re wasting your day thinking about how much better tomorrow might be and recognize that all you have is now. The truth is that tomorrow will probably be much like today, so what are you waiting for. Your life is your life so do what you want right now because you never know what tomorrow will bring.

Simple Early Spring Outfit - Crazy Blonde Life

I know, for me, the situation we’re all in right now is surely causing me to look forward to some things, but that’s different than always talking about “when”. It’s causing me to look back and appreciate all the things I took for granted. Simple things like getting in the car and driving to the nail salon or getting dressed and actually having somewhere to go. It’s my hope and intention to appreciate those things even more when I can do them again, but also, to make today, this minute, this hour count because my life is happening right now. Fear is nothing but a projection into the future and you can’t predict the future. Be cautions, stay home, but also, be present in this moment and make it count!

Even with what’s going on in the world, it’s still a big beautiful place! Take care of yourself and luxuriate (love that word) in each day of your life!

Here are a few things I’m doing to pass the time.


As I’ve said before, I love the Oprah and Deepak Meditation series. They are offering a special one right now called Hope In Uncertain Times. I also love Headspace (they have special meditations to support you during this crisis), and the Calm App, but sometimes it’s nice to just listen to the birds first thing in the morning and be aware of the stillness.

Stay Active

So many local gyms and yoga studios are offering virtual classes and this is a great way to support the local businesses that you want to still be there when this is over. If you don’t belong to a gym, there are so many other great virtual workouts to try…Yoga Glow is a great one and I’ve heard great things about Fiit and Plankk.

Being outside in the fresh air is important right now, so if you can take a walk or a run to boost endorphins and get rid of some pent up energy!

Early Spring Outfit Idea - Crazy Blonde Life

Read a book you’ve been wanting to read…here are a few suggestions!

Nine Perfect Strangers

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine

Where the Crawdads Sing

Educated (my favorite)

Lilac Girls (just ordered)

The Red Tent (my all time favorite…it’s long but worth it)

The Language of Flowers

The Tattooist of Auschwitz (my current book selection)

Also Love My Magazines…So many to catch up on and my favorite cookbook - Cook Beautiful by Athena Calderone!

What to do at home during quarantine! - Crazy Blonde Life

A Few Preventative Tips

At our house we have been making sure to sanitize all surfaces in the morning and at night before bed. We’ve also been sanitizing all packages as they come, unboxing outside and leaving the box outside to break it down so we’re not bringing anything that’s been exposed in the house. The virus can live on cardboard metal or plastic so be sure to wait 2 minutes after disinfecting so the bacteria is killed.

Also, don’t forget the hotspots – door knobs, remotes and our phones each day.

Make a Delicious Meal

There are sooo many great recipes to try if you can find the ingredients, but if not, you can get creative and improvise. Check out the food section of Crazy Blonde Life!

Outfit Details - Because This Will End Soon!

Pointed toe mules - go to for spring - Crazy Blonde Life

Dolce Vita Pointy Toe Mules

My favorites - Nordstrom


Cabi - A Company With a Big Heart and Cute Clothing


My Casual Style Uniform - White Jeans