The Journey of a Lifetime...

“The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the Journey, not the destination.”

Writing has become a passion recently! I never knew I liked to write or even could write until I started Crazy Blonde Life. Every time you start something new…every time you step out of your box, you learn.

I can’t remember what I’ve said on the blog and what I’ve said as I’ve written the modules for my program, but in case I never said it here…I’m really stretching myself right now!

I’m enrolled in a year long mentoring program with Melanie Ann Layer called The Alpha Femme Experience. This program is so full of amazing courses and information and I’m soaking it all in. I’m signed up for a course within this program that starts on Thursday and I’m going to learn how to be a life coach! It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while because, looking back, I could have used a little help in my life!

Over the past 5 or 6 years, I’ve become a completely different person because I started searching for a way to make my life more meaningful…happier and more fulfilling. For the past 5 or 6 years I’ve been intentionally learning about spiritual principles that have profoundly changed me.

I read a quote the other day and it really resonated because it nailed what I’m trying to do by writing posts about my life and experiences and by sharing my story. Here it is…

“You’ll get through this. And one day, your story will be someone else’s survival guide.”

There have been days in my life when I didn’t think I would make it and quite honestly, days when I wasn’t sure I wanted to make it. On one of those days, I dropped to my knees and asked God, the Universe, my Angels, for help! I’m not going to tell you that lightening flashed and the sky opened up, but I will tell you…that was the day when my life slowly began to change. I started listening to my inner wisdom, I started learning to love myself and I began to have faith that things would work out.

Things did work out, and things are still working out, but not because I sat on my butt and waited. They worked out because I became a life long learner. I became someone who was on a quest for Knowledge. I am still on that quest, and the more I learn (in my heart and soul), the more I discover that there is still so much more to learn.

You can gain information almost anything very easily these days, but when you have real life experience to add to it, what you learn and are able to then teach, becomes wisdom, not just information. In my opinion, the world needs more wisdom and less information!

This is the reason I decided to commit to a year long mentoring program and that commitment is only the start of what I’m doing! I’m also enrolled in an online course at the Chopra Center to learn to teach meditation, I’m learning about Human Design (more about that later), and these are just the part I’m ready to talk about!

My point to all of this is…you never know where your life may lead you if you are willing to listen to the whisperings of your heart and then go out and learn!

Who you’re becoming is the Journey of a lifetime…hang on, because it’s gonna be a wild ride!

If you’re interested in my OOTD, I’m wearing my favorite new jeans from Veronica Beard. They fit me so well and are the pair I’m reaching for so often right now! They are high rise (not too high), a very dark wash and yes…skinny! I still love my skinny jeans! I’ve paired the jeans with a top from Loft, new Valentino sandals (seriously love these) and the bag Baldy purchased for me while we were in Charleston!

If you’re like me and love your skinny jeans, I highly recommend this pair! I’ve also ordered them in white and can’t wait to receive them!

Speaking of Charleston…hopefully I’ll have my travel guide out early next week!

I’m off to get highlights in my hair… and this afternoon, attending a mentoring call. Then…I’m meeting with a painter to start the process of redecorating several rooms in our home! It’s such an exciting time and busy is good! I hope you all have a fabulous day!


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