What Does it Mean to Live a Happy Life?

Over the past few days, I participated in a masterclass by Melanie Ann Layer, and my mind is spinning with thoughts about life, happiness and what it all means.

We were asked to ponder several ideas and the one that has stuck with me the most is the idea that it doesn’t matter who we are. It matters why we are here.

When you think about it this way, it certainly makes life seem easier in my opinion.

We are different people at different stages of our lives, different people on different days of our lives and different at any given moment really. It is nearly impossible to describe who we are and society encourages us to spend way too much time on this idea. We are in our egos much of the time. Our egos are there to protect us, but they often try to protect us by keeping us stuck in familiar situations and thought patterns because… familiar is “safe”….right? Familiar is not safe and we are not our egos. Anxiety comes from believing fearful thoughts that probably aren’t true in the first place…being aware of those thoughts is the first step!

In order to get out the cycle of repetitive thinking and worrying, we must begin to get to know ourselves. We can get to know ourselves by figuring out what we like and what our passions are. Those things also change and evolve as we step into the unfamiliar and try new things. Remember what I said.. most of the thoughts you think aren’t even true anyway. Don’t define yourself by “who you think you are”. Define yourself by how curious you are and how willing you are to learn new things and ponder new ideas. Define yourself by how often you’re willing to step out of your box and do what’s unconventional. This is what leads to a happy life!

When you get to know yourself through being curious, you then start to come into the idea that you are a “unique and creative expression of God”. Now there are some who may argue with this, but it only makes sense that if we are created in “the image of God”, then we are all expressions of that Source, put here to live out our unique and creative expression. That’s very empowering…and it means that we have the power of Source planted within us and don’t have to be at the mercy of some external deity.

It also means that we have a responsibility to figure out why we are here and the clues lie in what we are passionate about, the clues lie in our deepest desires and dreams and heartfelt wishes. Our desires and dreams make us magical and help us to shine and that defines why we are here. It doesn’t really even matter who we are! That will be decided at the end our lives when people see “who we were”.

Who we were is only realized in hindsight. It’s shown in how we lived and how we shared our gifts with the world. In how we used our Divine gifts to live out our purpose…our why.

Everyone has the power of the Source of all things within them and therefore, we are all important and all have gifts to share.

The biggest gift we can give to the world is to become self aware. To work on ourselves by being curious, creative and contemplative. That means discovering what we have to offer, how we can serve and how we can shine. The ripple effect of one person becoming aware of just how special and unique they are goes further than anyone will ever know.

So…i would encourage you to stop worrying about who you are and begin to be curious about why you’re here.

Other people will think they know who you are, but they don’t. Most of the time, we are judged on who we are by societal standards and also by how we show up in the world. Society has no idea who we are, and sometimes, we show up as who we think other people want to see. As a result, no one is right…you aren’t showing up authentically and you are being judged based on projections and false assumptions. Again…it’s not who, but why! What is your why?

Try something new, challenge your thoughts and ask yourself “is this thought really true”. Don’t be defined by the small thoughts that pass through your head every day. They only keep you in a box. Think a new thought on purpose and see where it takes you.

Take some time to sit in stillness each day and notice the thoughts that go through your mind without judging them. This will help you to clear the fog and give you clarity.

Take long walks and spend time in nature. Listen to the wind and feel the sun on your skin. Be aware of the now because that’s really all there is!

Be playful…run through the sprinkler with your children or grandchildren, jump in the pool, put on some music and dance in the house!

Share your love and your unique gifts as only you can.

Make friends that cause you to level up! But also…be patient and give people grace because we’re all in a different place. Be an example of love and light…not fear and darkness.

Be grateful and celebrate your life. The hard times are only indicators of where you need to shine a light. Those times become the biggest gifts if you learn from them. Hard times can be a catalyst for change.

Also remember…the most important thing isn’t what happens in your life, but how you respond to it. Gaining inner strength through meditation, contemplation and awareness of your thoughts helps you to respond in a better way.

Figure out a way to share and live so that when people talk about who you were…it made a difference.

You only have this one life…why are you here? Make it extraordinary because that is how it’s intended to be!

Sending you all my love! Thanks for reading!


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