Cultivating Stillness - Why I Meditate Every Morning

The importance of meditation - Crazy Blonde Life

My days starts every day with meditation. Before I look at my phone or my computer I sit down to meditate. Some days, my mind quiets immediately, some days, it takes 10 minutes for me to find some stillness…and somedays, it just doesn’t happen, but I’m still committed to doing it over again the next day.

My purpose, my calling, my drive, and my desires matter more to me than anything else and I know that without taking time out daily to quiet my mind, achieving my goals will be harder. I know somewhere deep inside that my life will be guided by the wisdom I gain from the stillness that comes during meditation. Those few minutes allow divine inspiration to come and that’s when I’m guided to the next steps that will lead me down the path closer to my dreams. Of course, I have to do the practical work, I have to show up everyday with a plan, but it’s all easier for me when my mind is calm and I have the focus that comes from my meditation. Meditation helps me to listen more closely to my inner voice (my intuition) and as a result, I’m more open to the blessings that life brings everyday. I don’t shut myself off from the guidance that is available to everyone.

I think I’m calmer, kinder, and at the very least more aware of my words and actions as a result of my meditation practice so meditation not only benefits me…it also benefits my family and the people I’m around. There really is no downside!

The importance of meditation - Crazy Blonde Life

Some days, I listen to a guided meditation with an app such as Headspace, and some days, I just want to sit in silence. I find that Headspace works best on the days when my mind is really active and my thoughts won’t seem to stop. Quieting my mind is much easier with a guided meditation and I believe Headspace is ideal for anyone new to meditation or for those who find it difficult to sit in stillness. It’s also easier to be consistent when using Headspace because you can incorporate it into your morning routine very easily. You can choose to meditate for as little as 3 minutes during which you will be guided to explore your breath and become aware of how your body feels. It’s really amazing the things you notice when you really focus! Just being mindful for 3 minutes can change your entire day for the better and the days add up to years and the years add up to a lifetime! You’ll be amazed at how quickly the time goes by and I promise, 3 minutes will turn into 10 or more very quickly.

The holidays are often a time when we are focused deeply on others — and while that can be a very good thing — it’s also important to remember that you are deserving of some holiday goodness as well. If you always say that you’re too busy to start a meditation practice, you’re really cheating yourself. The proven health benefits alone should be enough to make you want to take just 10 minutes a day to do something for yourself.

The importance of meditation - Crazy Blonde Life

Meditation, much like yoga, is a practices…meaning that as you practice, it gets easier and more effective. Don’t give up after one or two days and say that meditation “doesn’t work”…keep going and see what happens. Commit to 30 days of meditating for just 10 minutes every day and I promise it will change your life! Start 2020 with the intention to meditate daily!


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