Why Not Try Something New?

Ulla Johnson - Crazy Blonde Life

When was the last time you stepped out of your box and tried something new? The act of leaving your “comfort zone” can make you feel vulnerable, but it also allows you to expand and learn! Trying new things leads to positivity and a feeling of confidence. Today…why not switch things up a bit and try something new…even if it’s just going to a different coffee shop. You might find you have a fresh perspective on life!

Trying new things can make you feel nervous and uncomfortable. When you feel vulnerable, you begin to question your sanity...asking yourself, “should I be doing this” or even worse, “will others think I look stupid. I had so many doubts when I really started putting myself “out there” on this blog. I wondered what people would think, but in the end, I decided it doesn’t matter. I know now that blogging has been the best thing I ever could have done for myself and hopefully I’m helping others along the way. Initial worry and doubt are normal emotions, but they go away once you’ve made the commitment!

When you’ve decided to try something new, there will always be unknowns, but those who never push themselves out of their comfort zone, don’t get to experience the exhilaration of succeeding. Go with the fear, but don’t let it stop you. Even those times when you fail, at least you tried. Someone once said, the biggest failure you can have in life is never having tried, so remember that!

Putting yourself “out there'“ and trying something new is a thrilling experience and the more you do it, the easier it gets. When you have “peak” experiences often, you are more likely to remain positive in your life because you feel a sense of accomplishment!

Ulla Johnson - Crazy Blonde Life
Ulla Johnson - Crazy Blonde Life

“Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others.” ~ Aristotle

Obviously, trying something new doesn’t have to mean jumping out of a plane, but it can! Trying something new just means getting out of your comfort zone, which can be thrilling. What are the things that you’ve always been interested in? Maybe you want to try Aerial Yoga or even take a photography course. I encourage you to just do it. There are health benefits that come from trying new things because when you expand your mind, you are living life to the fullest and therefore are happier. Positive people are healthier people. It has been shown that happy people have stronger relationships, higher incomes and are mentally and physically healthier.

Ulla Johnson for Spring - Crazy Blonde Life

Everyone has the ability to pursue happiness and when you pursue happiness, through positive activities, well being improves. Of course, trying new things leads to a feeling of accomplishment, but the simple act of practicing gratitude can lead to happiness. Maybe practicing gratitude is something new for you. Your new thing could be keeping a daily gratitude journal, which in turn may lead to trying bigger things. Finding a state of happiness is the goal of most people, only some don’t realize it, or don’t think it’s possible.

Happiness doesn’t always mean pleasure. So many people these days medicate themselves with substances that they think are making them feel good or are taking away the painful things in life. However, the real satisfaction comes from constantly trying to live life to the fullest.

As I said above, even trying a new coffee shop where you don’t know anyone can make you happy because it’s switching things up, which can help keep you inspired and motivated. You never know when you might meet a new person that will help you in the pursuit of your dreams. Doing the same things over and over again becomes a mindless habit and can be very monotonous, not to mention boring. Anything that shakes up your routine will get you excited and give you a fresh perspective.

Ulla Johnson for Spring - Crazy Blonde Life

“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

The possibilities are absolutely endless when it comes to trying something new. If you feel terrified, start small and go from there. Every step forward is a step in the right direction and you’ll reap the benefits. So get out there and live. Meet new people, learn something new and broaden your horizons!

About my outfit: I’m completely obsessed with the new Ulla Johnson collection for spring. The colors are beautiful and the fabrics are so luxurious. Finally, I’ve found some high waisted pants that fit me well and are comfortable. These are such a good neutral color that I’ll be wearing them with everything! These pieces are not inexpensive, but are pieces you will keep in your closet for years to come! You can shop a few of my favorites from Ulla Johnson below!


All The Best Pieces to Add to Your Spring Wardrobe


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