Be That Woman

You are incredible and amazing and you hold so much power within you, so give yourself grace and love as you lead yourself toward your dreams.

Every time I talk about a sense of urgency as we are getting older, it seems to really resonate. It may seem like the easy thing to say…”I’m too old to start something new”, or “that ship has sailed”, but…why?

Time will pass, you will be another year older, no matter what you do, so why not create something in your life that makes your heart sing?

If you could be, have or do anything in your life, what would it be? Would you travel, be in a new relationship, spend time with family, pay for your grandchildren to attend college or have an amazing experience? Whatever you want, what is holding you back?

I often hear…begin to act as if you were already the woman you want to be, but what does that mean exactly? I think this sounds much easier that it actually is, but it’s all about mindset and mindset is always what holds us back. Isn’t it crazy that the thoughts we think, some of which aren’t even true, can hold us back from living the life we truly want to live? It’s time to become aware of your thoughts and then begin to question them.

The mind is powerful, our egos are powerful and the familiar is safe to our minds and our egos. In order to change, we must step out of the “safety” of the familiar and over ride our thoughts and subconscious behaviors.

As always, this starts with understanding that we were all born worthy and nothing has changed since that day. It doesn’t matter what mistakes you’ve made along the way, how much money you have or don’t have, how much you weigh, or how old you are. You. Are. Worthy…

So, if we’re worthy, no matter what - why is it so hard to believe for more than like 10 minutes, until our minds talk us out of believing it and how can we change this? It starts with consciousness awareness and just one better feeling thought at a time when the doubt creeps in. You probably won’t go from feeling bad to feeling on top of the world in 60 seconds, but you can choose one better feeling thought at a time and know that some days will be better than others.

I believe in meditation. I believe in meditation because it’s a time when we can sit and be intentionally aware of our thoughts. We are the observer which gives us the ability to decide whether the thoughts that we’re thinking are true, or not. This in my opinion is one of the best ways we can care for ourselves as a form of self love. If you don’t believe you have 10 minutes to sit quietly every day, it might be time to rethink your priorities. So many amazing things come from stillness because, in the stillness we have access to the Divine, our Intuition, God.

When I began to seriously meditate, not just go through the motions, my life changed so much. It was as if I was sending a signal to the Universe that I wanted my life to be better and I was willing to take a few minutes each day to sit and listen.

Meditation changes your mindset. Meditation allows you to listen to the voice within where all the answers lie.

When your mindset changes as a result of being aware of your thoughts, your life starts to change. You begin to see that your thoughts of unworthiness come from past conditioning. One little change, one spark of inspiration can be the start of a whole new path and, you are never too old and it’s never too late to walk down that path.

Change can be difficult. There is always fear and discomfort involved as we navigate our sometimes painful truths and choose to grow anyway. Fear is not a bad thing unless we allow it to stop us and keep us small. So whatever it is you want to do in your life, you can’t fail unless you don’t try. You can face fear and you will become courageous as a result. You can start something that matters, something that makes your heart sing and go into it knowing that you’ll be okay…you’ll be better than okay because you’re growing. You are incredible, amazing and you hold so much power within you so give yourself grace and love as you lead yourself toward your dreams.


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