My Best Advice...To Myself


At 58 years old, there are days when I feel that I know everything and days when I feel that I know nothing. Days when I am positive that things are going forward and days when I’m quite sure that I’ve fallen off the edge of a mountain and will never be able to climb back up again.

At 58 years old, if I could give myself any advice…here is what I would say…

Every morning, before your feet hit the floor, be grateful that you are alive. Be grateful for any little thing that you can think of to be grateful for. Ask for guidance and allow yourself to be available to receive it. Be still everyday and listen. Find peace in each moment, even the moments that are hard. Life will keep going, even if you don’t. You might as well make it count.

There is no place for judgment of yourself or others. Everyone is doing the best they know how.

You have to start from where you are, not where you want to be. Look in the mirror and love the perfectly imperfect person you see!

Know in your heart how powerful you are and then you will be evidence to others of what is possible. You are blessed beyond anything you can imagine so take that and do something with it. Share what you’ve learned. When you share, you are able to make sense of the hard things.

Never ever look back because nothing you want is back there. Learn your lessons and move on.

Life is a journey with twists and turns and you never know what lies ahead, but that’s not a reason to stop moving forward. Don’t be afraid to try, be more afraid not to try. The wrong turns you take are where the lessons lie.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of you and what you are doing…knowing that is where your power lies. If you knew you could not fail…what would you do? What if your decision changes your life and the lives of others for the better…that’s reason enough to keep going.

Stop trying to be perfect because that only means that you fear not being good enough. You are good enough.

Say yes to yourself. Be in the moment. Take things as they come and realize that nothing is permanent. One day could seem horrible and like an eternity and the next day could bring more joy than you could ever imagine. Embrace both.

The energy of love can hold sadness and bliss.

Life can and will be chaotic at times and if you stay present and look around, you may find more beauty in those times than you ever thought possible. Embrace every day, just as it is. Take a breath and smile.

Live your life as if you know the ending to the movie.

Keep your eye on the prize and follow your heart to get you to the place you want to be. Listen to the Divine voice inside that guides you every day. Don’t ever allow the noise of the world to silence that voice.

Keep going even when you feel afraid. Your life in the end will be the entirety of all the turns you have taken and all the times you decided to keep going. Make sure that in the end, you’re proud of what you’ve accomplished.

Find beauty in something every day. Create beauty where there is none. Use your unique and individual talents to make a better world. Remember that every bit of positive energy you put out will come back to you. There is no reason to be negative. Be quiet instead.

Be with the people you love and let them be.

Have adventures as often as possible. Be the light in a strangers day by offering a smile. See the immense hugeness of this great Universe, but know that you aren’t here by accident. You may be small, but you can be mighty.

Ask for what you want because when you do, you empower others to do the same.

Learn to love your moments of solitude and appreciate time spent with others.

Laugh Every Single Day!

Love the people in your life as big as you can.

Look for light when things seem dark. Remember that there is really no darkness, only an absence of light. You have the power to be the light.

Give thanks because that can and will change everything.

Remember how quickly the days pass and never take anything for granted.

Taste the food, drink the wine, enjoy your family and celebrate because you are living your life one beautiful moment at a time.

OMG tears…yes…don’t forget to cry when you feel like it and know it’s ok!


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