The Power of Choice

We’ve been gifted with the power of choice, in our actions, in our thoughts, and in our words. The quality of our lives gets better or worse depending on which direction we go with our choices. ~ Shawn Anderson

I’m sure, if you’ve followed me for a while, you’ve noticed I’m transitioning my business and weaving my deep spiritual beliefs into everything I do. I made this decision because…several years ago I completely immersed myself in improving my life and finding true happiness and I’m on a mission to share what I’m learning! I say “learning” because once you start down the path of self discovery, the Universe only leads you to more! I’m taking a meditation course through the Chopra Center and learning about Human Design. Soon, I start a program to get my coaching certification and I’m also part of a year long mentoring program with Melanie Ann Layer. It’s all very exciting and I’m the busiest I’ve ever been in my life.

I’m still passionate about lifestyle and always will be because, when you think about it, every part of life should be interwoven with your beliefs. I’m trying to eat as much local food as possible and cook healthy and beautiful meals. I’ve also been on a mission since the first part of the year to clean out anything in our home that we don’t need and get organized. It’s an ongoing process but ‘mI certainly feeling much lighter as the year goes on!

One thing I’ve learned is the importance of rest…getting quality sleep, and taking time to let everything go and have fun. That can be difficult when you’re trying to continue to build a business, but in the end, it’s best for the business and for me.

When things seem hard, I meditate, pray and journal. I try not to ask why, but rather to ask “what is the lesson here”. Sometimes, I know the lesson, but other times it’s very much in hindsight that the lesson is learned.

What I do know is that each day I have been given here on this earth is a gift - a day full of moments and I get to choose how I will spend my moments.

I can choose wonder and joy.

I can choose to be angry, reactive and fearful.

I can choose to be confident and calm

I can choose to take 15 minutes to sit in stillness and center myself.

I can choose to argue or to be silent. Most of the time the argument is about something that really doesn’t matter and silence is the best way.

I can choose to surround myself with beauty and order.

I can also choose chaos.

When chaos happens, as it sometimes does with a baby and 3 dogs in the house, I can lean into it and enjoy or fight against it!

I can choose food that nourishes my body or I can eat junk.

It is always my choice!

In my life, it hasn’t alway been this way because I had no idea I had a choice…I let life happen to me. I dwelled on past events and played small. I was resentful and angry.

I’ve now learned that by deliberately choosing (in every moment), I can create my life. When my choices are based in love for others and myself, they are always the right choices.

My desire is to grow in relationships, abundance, and knowledge. I’m so passionate about improving each and every day…about understanding principles that are supportive of me and the live I’m creating.

I’m learning to stay present and prioritizing what’s most important. I am in a constant state of curiosity and I want to teach others what I’m learning because I know how much it’s helped me. When I teach what I’ve learned and share with others, they can then begin to heal and learn, and…as a result, we create a ripple effect far beyond anything we can comprehend. That is my mission and my purpose for this amazing life!

I’m now living on the premise that I can create anything I want for my life, because it’s my choice and…it’s NEVER TOO LATE!

You are worthy. You have massive power inside of you and you are a powerful creator.


The More the Better


Easy Maple Dijon Salmon