Take Back Your Power

I’ve been giving a lot of thought to repetitive and unconscious thought patterns lately and how I allow them to steal my power. My mind can think any thought I choose for it to think, but sometimes I go though periods of time where I let it run on default and that’s when my energy is off and life start to seem really hard.

I love listening to Joe Dispenza and he talks about how we allow the body to become the mind. In other words, how we do things without thinking just because it’s what we’ve gotten used to doing. Sometimes, we’re not even aware of the thought behind the action…our bodies just do it. A good example would be with eating…we pop things into our mouths without even thinking and then, we have feelings of guilt. This is just one example, but you get the idea. It’s cyclical and a cycle that can be broken with attention and intention.

What I’ve found helpful is very intentional meditation first thing in the morning, before I look at my phone or do much of anything else. As I mentioned, I’m reading a book called The Neville Collection and I’ve been reading a few pages of that in the early morning, which puts me into a state of knowing that I have control of my thoughts and that I can create my life, one thought at a time! Michael Beckwith says “Mind Your Mind” and that is where meditation comes in. We are pure awareness and have the ability to consciously be aware of what we’re thinking. I’ve been setting an intention to be very focused on my goals for the day and my long term desires so I stay on track. Going into a meditation intentionally, means being keenly aware of what thoughts are going through my heads, coming back to my breath and sitting there until my mind is calm and I’m ready to start the day. This is a time commitment that is well worth it.

I’m creating a life full of wonderful memories, abundance of every kind, good health and success. Holding that vision, instead of going back to the “what ifs” and thinking about problems, helps me stay focused on the future, while also enjoying the present moment.

I’ve found that it’s very important to read and study in order to keep my life moving forward in the way I want it too. During times when I allow myself to say I’m too busy to read a chapter of a book or meditate, I start to slip into old habits, old thought patterns and I get down on myself. Spending time in meditation, study, contemplation and imaginative visualization can be life changing. When I’m in this flow, I’m moving forward with positive energy and everything in life seems easier.

I’m not sure why I periodically forget this, but I do know that asking the Universe for “right next steps” always results in guidance that I never would have expected. I’ve written this before, but we are all “creative expressions of the Source of all things” and we hold that creative power within us.

Decide today to commit to living the life that you desire to live because your desires are there for a reason! Take time to take care of you and learn to love your very special unique self! Spend time in meditation, find a book or podcast or YouTube video that lights you up, journal, dream, visualize and I promise you’ll see a difference in your life. Sure, go get that massage or pedicure, but remember…those things are for pleasure and taking care of the outside. Take care of the inside first. Mind Your Mind!

Just a little reminder as we go into the second half of the year today! If you’re feeling like you’ve haven’t accomplished what you wanted to in the first 6 months, there’s still time to end 2023 with a bang! Stay focused…get out there and make beautiful memories! Remember that the most important thing is that you are your best self and that starts with deciding which thoughts you choose to think. Being your best, most authentic, pure self is the best gift you can give to the people you love and the world!

Happy Happy July 4th weekend!


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